If you are searching on google how to increase the efficiency of child’s brain or how to make the child genius then consider yourself lucky because you are on the right page. Here is the concept that how the power of the brain increased. Through Mid Brain activation programme we can make your child a genius / super kid.

What is Mid Brain Activation ?

Considering the view of the scientist's, human being uses less than 10% of his brain capacity. This shows how awesome a human can be, if it's utilized more. Brain has two hemispheres Left hemisphere and right hemisphere and MidBrain acts like a communication bridge connecting Left Brain and Right Brain. MidBrain must be activated and fully functional to balance the usage of left brain and right brain. Once MidBrain is activated, left brain and right brain can communicate. The science behind this concept of MidBrain Activation is the technique of optimizing the function of our middle brain, which is the ‘Bridge’ between the left and right brain. Having this bridge activated allows for the retrieval of information between the left and the right brain, which leads to more efficiency in learning and absorbing information. It also brings out and strengthens characteristics such as creativity, memory, application skills, self-confidence and the ability to concentrate.

Mid brain Activation is an accelerated studying program motivated by means of Maria Montessori, Glenn Doman, Makoto Shichida, Tony Buzan and plenty of others. It’s a soft however strong approach of activating each hemisphere of the mind. Generally speaking, the countries already conducting brain activation are: Japan, India, Singapore, Russia, Tibet, Malaysia, Indonesia, Ceylon, Australia, Thailand, China, Hongkong, and many other countries to follow. Japan has in fact conducted the research for 40 years.

One unforgettable name in the early child brain development programmes is the late eminent educator, Dr Makoto Shichida committed 40 years of his existence to explore the capabilities of children and validated his research with the aid of developing greater than 450 Shichida centres everywhere Japan and only some outside.

The correct brain has powerful capabilities that have to be developed earlier than the age of 12. The secret to activating the powers of the right mind lies in the Midbrain ( Interbrain/ mesa encephalon/midbrain). The interbrain / mesa encephalon is in flip managed with the aid of the Pineal Gland. This gland is about the size of a grape but begins to minimize as we age and is littered with hormonal alterations that take position for the period of puberty. The pineal gland is very sensitive to gentle and sound

Location of Midbrain:- The Midbrain is located above the brain stem, at the center of the brain. The medical name for Midbrain is DIENCEPHALON.

Science behind Mid Brain Activation:- Midbrain activation training is one that is able to activate the brain waves called alpha-theta in a child, where these waves are able to activate the super intuition. What makes it interesting, exciting is to make the child Read, Write, Paint and do some activities with his/her eyes closed. Every human brain wave has different functions which are -

Human Brain Wave

Gama : Ideas, language and memory processing, and learning.
Beta : Alert, Busy, Active. Most adult in beta waves.
Alpha : Relax (access intuition/genius condition/brain optimum).
Theta : Deep meditation (almost sleep). Often feel spiritual experiences.
Delta : Sleep.
Genius condition doesn't refer to Intelligent Quotient only but also Emotional Quotient , Creativity Quotient and Spiritual Quotient.

Process of Midbrain activation -

A very simple question arises in the minds of the parents that how mid brain is activated basically we use a research based methodology which is scientifically proven. Mid brain activation process includes Songs, Dance, Games, Fun, Exercises, Music and Sounds. It also includes very short motivational movies. In short class is completely filled with Fun and Happiness. It is a scientific and natural process and nothing is related with religious and spiritual activities. No medication is used while activating the mid brain.

Age for Mid Brain Activation

MidBrain activation training adaption age is 5 to 15 year because in this age it is easier to absorb new things and also it is easy to adapt to new ways of learning. Regardless of the child’s current academic standards, the MidBrain activation will further strengthen and improve their ability. If children can use their whole brain, this will help them to obtain higher success in their future.

Activities performed after activation

The children are able to read and do anything with eyes closed, such as

  • Identification of colours and Numbers with blind fold.
  • Reading & Colouring with blind fold.
  • Identify the objects from distance with blind fold.
  • Something inside the close box
  • Guessing something behind the wall.
  • Walking, Cycling, Shooting or playing a game on the PC with his eyes closed.

Benefits of Midbrain Activation

  • Simultaneous use of Left & Right Brain infuses better result in all areas.
  • Increase in Intuitions
  • Better performance in exams
  • Improved Memory and concentration
  • Significant improvements in Behavior & Attitude of Child.
  • More confidence.
  • Improves Extra Sensory Powers.
  • Better academics
  • Enjoy Happy, Successful & Stress free Life.


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